This would require updating the theme code by adding the kiwi snippet.
First, open the theme code editor, and open the file featured-product.liquid
Next in the liquid file, find where you want the size chart to display, and then insert the following code:
<!-- START KiwiSizing code !--> <div id="KiwiSizingChart" data-collections="{{ product.collections | map: 'id' | join: ','}}" data-tags="{{ product.tags | join: ',' | escape}}" data-product="{{}}" data-vendor="{{product.vendor | escape}}" data-product-name="{{product.title}}" data-product-images="{{product.images | json| escape}}" data-type="{{product.type | escape}}"> </div> <!-- END KiwiSizing code !-->
For more information on the snipet, see this guide:Can I use code snippet?
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